Located along the ‘Pacific Highway’ - a busy main road in the heart of Sydney’s North, is “Absolute Relax”.. the at most haven spa run by an amazing Japanese woman Masumi.
シドニーの北に位置するサバーブ、ROSEVILLE (ローズビル) のメインストリートに面したヒーリング・サロン「アブソリュート・リラックス」を体験してきました。何年もこちらのお店を営まれているオーナーMasumiさんはヒーリング界の第一人者であるバーバラ・ブレナンに直接師事した「ブレナン・ヒーリング」を修めた素敵な日本の方。

You can feel the place vibrating at a different frequency the moment you step into the shop. Crystals, accessories and other healing elements makes you feel so welcomed and they are just very pleasing to gaze at.

Upon arrival, I was kindly escorted to the meditation room where there is a sofa and a chanting space along with more crystals and other serene items such as singing bowls displayed - a petit museum it is.
先ず案内されたのがメディテーション ルーム - 清いこちらのお部屋ではシンギングボールやクリスタルを要したイベントやセッションが行なわれるそう。

I actually visited the spa with my mom, who experienced the healing reflexology. The treatment was everything she needed for an Absolute Relaxation. This was the perfect treatment for my mom as she usually get swollen feet and needed a detox, ridding the body of toxins and boosting the lymphatic function. Reflexology session is said to promote balancing of physical, mental, emotional and energetic levels of the body. The body work I chose was the ‘Energy Healing + Remedial Aromatherapy Massage’ as it sounded so intense and deep, which I needed for my stressed, tensed body + soul. Any menu there could have probably worked to be healed but this menu was spot on for me.
今回私は母とこちらを訪れたのですが、母はリフレクソロジーを体験。足がむくむ母にとって、身体全体に溜まった毒素を排出してくれるリフレクソロジーはぴったりのメニューで、治療後はほっそりとした足に母は満足の様子でした。私はエネルギー ヒーリング + レメディアル アロマセラピー マッサージを体験させて頂きました。心身ともに疲れていた私にとって、このディープなセッションは最高に効くもので、今までにない体験をさせていただくことができました。

During the therapy, a relaxing scented essential oils (blended camomile, blue tansy, peppermint essential oil & more + carrier oil) were directly applied to the skin to allow for deep penetration of the muscles associated with the disorder. This is said to stimulate the blood supply, allowing toxins in the muscles to be removed. The massage was said to help tone and relax muscles to improve joint mobility, calming the peripheral nervous system and easing pain and discomfort. This was the perfect massage for me as I had a very tense neck/shoulders. After the massage, energy healing took place - this was the part where I experienced something very unusual and spiritual. Amidst the energy work by the therapist, I felt an extremely positive sensation overflowing with happy memories from my childhood, as if I was reminded to be carefree once again. Carefree-ness was a trait I used to own until it got lost somewhere along the way. Overall, it was a tranquil experience, I even felt overwhelmed with tears by the healing effect at the end of the session.

At Absolute Relaxation, they really understand how your mind influences your body and provide a holistic approach to balancing the mind, body and spirit through a range of therapies - massage, reflexology, energy healing and reiki. This is one of the places I genuinely recommend to others for recharging and energizing your spirit and the body.