Retreats, Wellness Japan
Hoshinoya Karuizawa
September 6, 2020
Hoshinoya Karuizawa


Air so crisp and clear, songbirds chirps its melody and waterfowl bathe in the shallows of a pond. HOSHINOYA Karuizawa is a place full of rich ecosystem - forests so verdant and full of life, as if nothing has changed over time. It is a resort village hidden from the noise, encompassed by forests and river. Imagine waking up one morning to a comfortable melodic murmuring of the river accompanied by chirps of morning birds, as you feel the refreshing breeze entering your room – you wake up as it gently touches your skin. As you leave your pavilion for a morning walk, your path becomes lit with gentle light pouring in through leaves of different shapes and sizes. Easy breeze guides your way around this spacious serene sanctuary as you wander about, led by your heart.



Hoshinoya Karuizawa
Hoshinoya Karuizawa


Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Mizunami Room
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Mizunami Room

Living with nature. One becomes intimately connected to nature, acquiring a sense of comfort and relaxation – a feeling that cannot be attained through the non-natural. With all guest pavilions contoured to match the gradations of the land - whether it be the curves of a hill or the undulations of a river, the presence of the surrounding environment was felt deeply throughout the stay. Terraces recall traditional Japanese homes while large windows frame the surrounding nature. Nature permeates the guest pavilions, with untouched trees and remnants of the primeval forests surround. Ceiling windows are always kept open to allow brisk mountain air to flow for ventilation,
keeping the room cool in the summer, while hot spring water provides natural floor heating in the wintertime.


『星のや軽井沢』には77の客室があり、水波(みずなみ)・山路地(やまろじ)・庭路地(にわろじ)の 3 タイプに分かれている。どの客室も日本家屋の面影を感じられるテラスと四季の自然を慈しめる窓のつくりで、どのお部屋からも自然の魅せる様々な表情を楽しむことができます。

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Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Mizunami Room
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Mizunami Room

Rivulets cascading down a terraced hill. Stone walls standing with quiet majesty.We stayed in one of the riverside Mizunami guest pavilion that offers unobstructed views of the surrounding nature. Pleasant sound of the river laps against the banks while you take time out on the terrace, whenever you are enjoying an Al fresco dining or reading a favorite book.At night, you witness paper lanterns floating on the river, casting warm glow onto the pavilions, and mists across the water if you are lucky to see.At HOSHINOYA Karuizawa, nature is always right by your side.


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Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Mizunami Room
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Mizunami Room
Top & Bottom - Hikari Yoga Wear (@yogawear.hikari)


Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Kasuke (Main Dining)
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Kasuke (Main Dining)
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Kasuke (Main Dining)
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Kasuke (Main Dining)
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Kasuke (Main Dining)
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Kasuke (Main Dining)
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Terraced hill as rice fields, the corridor and seating area as a river and its bed, and the walls symbolizing distant mountains – together, these architectural elements recall a traditional rural landscape at Kasuke, a symbolic restaurant at HOSHINOYA Karuizawa that offers Japanese cuisine in style. Terraced hill visible from the large floor-to-ceiling windows brings one closer to nature. Every dish at Kasuke evokes a scene, designed to delight and relax, while ingredients are prepared in ways that stimulate the senses - syrup made from magnolias, Japanese pepper, and a garnish of kerria flowers are wonderfully displayed in Spring while seasonal vegetables illuminates the plate throughout the year.

メインダイニング「日本料理 嘉助」
~ 四季の美しさを五感で味わう

『星のや軽井沢』のメインダイニング「日本料理 嘉助」。川魚やジビエ、季節の野菜を用いた「山の懐石」は、信州の滋味を堪能できる。日本の四季の美しさを五感で味わうことができる「日本料理 嘉助」では、こうした演出が、 料理や器を超えて、食事の空間全体にまで及びます。大きな窓の向こうには美しく広がる棚田が存在する。通路と客席は「川」と「川床」に見立て、御影石の壁は「山」にイメージを重ね、料理を楽しむための最善の空間がここにあります。

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Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Kasuke
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Kasuke


Hoshinoya karuizawa - In-room Breakfast
Hoshinoya karuizawa - In-room Breakfast

You have the option of Western or Japanese style breakfast to enjoy in one’s comfort of the pavilion – whether at the dining space or out on the terrace. Grilled fish, rice cooked in a stone pot, and a specially prepared miso soup are some of the items included in the traditional Japanese breakfast.


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The Lobby area

Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Lobby
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Lobby
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Front Desk
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Front Desk
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Welcome Amazake
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Welcome Amazake
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Lobby
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Lobby
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Lobby
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Lobby

The Library Lounge

Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Library Lounge
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Library Lounge

Just above the restaurant Kasuke is the Library Lounge where one could enjoy a quiet reading time. The spacious lounge overlooks Tanada Terrace, beyond the large window.

「日本料理 嘉助」の窓越しに、棚田の風景を眺められる屋内パブリックスペースの「ライブラリーラウンジ」。普段は手にとらないような本を開き、くつろぎの時間を静かに過ごすことのできるスペース。

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Tanada Terrace

A welcome green tea and sweets are served from a van by the Tanada Terrace, where comfort meets nature. The garden is just like a terraced rice field, just as ‘Tanada’ translates to ‘Rice Terraces’.Above you, the sunlight gently pours between the swaying of leaves and water melodically flows beside you.



Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Tanada Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Tanada Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Tanada Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Tanada Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Tanada Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Tanada Terrace
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There are plenty of unique activities available at HOSHINOYA Karuizawa,from the Firefly tour to the adventurous Picchio – a guided tour where the guests are introduced to the vibrant world that exists in Karuizawa's forests.


Childcare is also available where parents are given a chance to spend some alone time with each other while their children learn about food in the edutainment program.



Hoshinoya Karuizawa
Hoshinoya Karuizawa

The river flowing through the heart of the resort fulfills the role of the dam for hydroelectric generation, providing a self-sufficient energy system to minimize burden on the rich natural environment. We are admired by the fact that HOSHINOYA Karuizawa engages deeply with sustainability, by integrating a EIMY (Energy In My Yard) concept, seeking to be a resort that coexists harmoniously with nature while achieving high level of customer satisfaction.Click to learn more about their sustainability.


ENERGY IN MY YARD 「EIMY」をコンセプトに、「自ら使うエネルギーはできるだけ自給していく」という考え方を中心に、『星のや軽井沢』では、自然エネルギーを活用している。このようなサスティナブル(持続可能)なリゾート運営を目指し、旧来の水力発電に加え、温泉排熱と地中熱をヒートポンプで活用する「地中熱利用システム」をも採用している。建築面でも自然の力を仕組みに、熱エネルギーを利用した床暖房や、自然の冷気を利用した天然のエアコンの役目を果たす小屋根の設置などがある。


Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Harunire Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Harunire Terrace

Take a meditative walk or ask one of the staff to give you a comfortable ride to the HARUNIRE Terrace, where you find delights and minimal gifts or items to take home with you as a memory at Karuizawa.



Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Harunire Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Harunire Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Harunire Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Harunire Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Harunire Terrace
Hoshinoya Karuizawa - Harunire Terrace
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We loved this gelato shop which had plenty of unique flavors to choose from.



Hoshinoya Karuizawa
Hoshinoya Karuizawa

Night falls, and soon darkness takes over the garden of infinite possibilities.Meditative sounds of the geta bounces off the ground and insects echoes pleasantly in the silent darkness as one walks their way toward the hot spring bath with a torch in one hand. At HOSHINOYA Karuizawa, we find our own source of physical and spiritual relaxation. It may be discovered in the waters of the Meditation Baths, or amidst the flow of the enriching garden. Your senses are sharpened, and the soul renewed. You become a unique resident of an exclusive village where the sounds of nature comfortably guide you towards your own private idyll.

More stories on the hotel from Serene stillness  Wellness Retreat at Hoshinoya Karuizawa



『星のや軽井沢』のスパ体験を含む、ウェルネス ストーリーはこちら

Hoshinoya Karuizawa
Hoshinoya Karuizawa

Hoshino, Karuizawa-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, 389-0194

For hotel web page click

ホテルの HPは
Hoshinoya Karuizawa
Hoshinoya Karuizawa